Mr Yoshiyuki Takagi, the Assistant Director General of WIPO’s Global Infrastructure Sector, commented that brand value and new technology innovation were critical to the development of a successful business. In this knowledge-based economy, platforms and tools are needed to provide up-to-date information in real time. Global databases containing current data on patents, trade marks and designs, available at both WIPO and at IP Australia, provide access to a vast quantity of key global IP knowledge and are freely available for access by both practitioners and their clients. Databases such as Patentscope, Global Brand Database, Global Design Database, WIPO Pearl and WIPO Lex can all be accessed at
Similarly, the Romarin database for international trade marks under the Madrid system and the Hague Express for details of industrial designs registered under the Hague system can be accessed at this link. Knowledge is also shared globally through WIPO Green, WIPO Re:Search and WIPO SME databases, which can be accessed through the following links:
Mr Victor Vazquez (WIPO), Mr Ben Mitra-Khan (IP Australia) and Mr Neil Wilson (WIPO) provided information to the audience about optimising their use of these databases. Ms Christine Bonvallet (ePCT Legal Division) presented the latest updates on the ePCT system (one application, one language, one office) and Mr Victor Vazquez presented on practical tips for alternative dispute resolution in IP disputes.
The Sydney Roving Seminar heard from Dr Kevin Cullen, the Chief Executive Officer from NewSouth Innovations, on Easy Access IP. Easy Access IP is an international collective of Universities and Research Institutions who believe in creating impact from research outcomes via knowledge exchange. The purpose is to create impact from university research outcomes, as opposed to monetary aims, and is designed to be a simple process for industry to use. In return for free access to real world, relevant research and IP, a licensee using Easy Access IP is required to:
• demonstrate how they will create value for society and the economy;
• acknowledge the licensing institution as the originator of the intellectual property;
• report annually on the progress on the development of the Easy Access IP;
• agree that if the IP is not exploited within three years, the licence will be revoked;
• agree that there will be no limitations on the licensees use of the IP for the university’s own research
If you are interested in any of the topic areas and would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to utilising these tools to assist with your business growth.
Sarah Herbert